As a farmer, you put a lot of importance on the well-being of your cattle. Proper distribution of straw is an important factor in this, but a time-consuming job if you do it manually. With a straw blower, manual work is a thing of the past and you choose to spread straw optimally and efficiently.

At VDW Construction, we strive to optimise your farming operation. We provide agricultural machinery and tools that are easy and quick to use and save you time and resources. Discover how our straw blowers increase the comfort of both livestock and the farmer.

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How does a straw blower work?

A straw blower is a handy agricultural machine or tool for tractor or telehandler to spread straw evenly over large areas. Thus, you reduce working time and optimise the use of straw. Straw blowers are fed by one or more fans to blow the straw into the stalls. We can add various options to each straw blower to ensure the machine perfectly meets the needs of your farm.

What are the advantages of a straw blower?

Our straw blowers ensure quick and efficient distrubution of straw. Straw distribution is less time-consuming this way.

For the farmer’s comfort, we have designed some ergonomic straw blowers. The straw blowers Uno and Duo have a special low design so that, while blowing straw, the farmer has a good overview and can look completely around the straw blower.

Different types of straw blowers:

  • Most compact and lightweight straw blower
  • Intended for compact articulated and skid-steer loaders
  • Easy handling and good visibility

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  • Two fans
  • Low-profile design: clear and ergonomic spreading process

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  • 1 big fan
  • For straight packs of straw.

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  • 1 big fan
  • Suitable for tractors from 100hp

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  • For straight and round bales
  • With one big fan

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  • 2-speed fan
  • Two hydraulically driven distribution rollers

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  • Manual valve at rear
  • Two hydraulically driven distribution rollers

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  • Process 5 packs of straw in just 5 minutes
  • A large distribution roller with hydraulic comb

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Service and support

Through our dealers, we offer you comprehensive service and support after purchasing a feed mixer. We ensure that your machines continue to perform optimally with regular maintenance. Our experts are on hand to answer questions and solve potential problems efficiently.

With almost 50 years of experience in the production of agricultural machinery, you can count on the quality and service of VDW Construction. Would you also like to use our straw blowers on your farm? Find your dealer nearby or  request more information about the different straw blowers .

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